Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sunday.Mom's Day.

It's - 11.05.08

Mom's Day!


Input for AMMA's day :

1) Wished Amma fer her day,tepat tepat 12am.

2)Made a card for her.

3)Did some of the house chores.

4) Never kasi her bengang.

5) suprised her with presents.

6) bought dinner .I cant cook,so I thought it's safer to just buy it.

Output from AMMA's day:

Amma's smile :)


Oh yeah,lupa kasi intro pulakk.The minah cun above..

she's been my adviser, my comfort, and my number one fan.

She's my அம்மா :)

gayee quoted :lessons learned at a mother’s knee last through life.Thank God for mothers!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

aaaahhhh..she is so sweet.. looking so pretty lar.. like emm aaahhh ..ok la ok la.. like u :p.. sen my regards to her k..