Sai Baba Centre of Ipoh celebrated Easwaramma Day at the Sri Subramaniam Temple Hall today.
I arrived there an hour late :(
I've missed out the bhajan session and few other stage shows that has been participated by the balvikas students.
But then,for me,that wasnt really the highlight of the evening.Want to know what was the BOMB? BLOOD DONATION CAMPAIGN,baybeh! :D
Well,I'm scared of needles .So I was feeling 50/50 about donating my blood.Then came my so called motivator :P Sasitharan! HAHA.He was like..
okayh wait lemme type out our convo ne laa..
SASI: Eh,go la.Donate blood.
ME: You go first la.
SASI: You go first,I'll come later.
ME:No no.You go first.After youuu.
SASI:AIHHH *in a I GIVE UP la tone* ...
.. then he suddenly went missing..

..then he came back..
SASI: Okayh,it's time.Come lets go and take the forms.Filled it up then. Come come..COME.
ME: AHAA,*argh* okayhh,come.
So both of us walked macho'ly,looked around,took the forms,and filled em up.Then we were examined by the nurses there for our blood type,weight,BP and etc.
and TAAA-DA!
My results.
Weight : Tepat tepat passed.
Pulse and BP: passed.
Haemoglobin test : FAILED :(
Yeah,I know.Sad right? After overcoming my fear and being so semangat, TIBA TIBA potong steam plak.
But nvm,that's not the end yett...I snapped few shots of Sasi donating his blood :P
wei sasi is ur bro rite?? hemoglobin u kurang sgt lar... ishhh.. olungga nalla vitamins sapdu k..
eyh,this is sasi,not my brother SHASSI! brother 15years old ne la :S
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