People have uploaded albums worth of pictures on Facebook that all look the same: party scene with drunk girls and sweaty boys. Then there's some kind of lame caption like 'Hot mama!Lolxx' or 'A night out with the HOTTIESSSS ' or something. The pictures are never without alcohol and girls striking poses with their skimpy outfits.
While I am someone who believes in allowing everyone their own creative freedom, putting up pictures of the same old crap is neither creative nor very, how do I say this nicely...modest.
Someone may put up many pictures because they want to share their wonderful experiences with the world, subconsciously I think it's just a tool people use to show off how 'popular' and 'cool' they are. What a wild child this person must be if all they do is frequent clubs and hang out with 'hot mamas' and 'gangstas'.
Wow...don't we all strive to be more like them?
Ermm.Nope, I don't. In fact, I prefer to just not view any pictures at all for fear of running into such 'Dumbass Material' that may insult my intelligence. Because there is no way in hell I want to be someone who puts up 1,000 pictures in a shameless and degrading bid for attention.
totaly agree with you girl! you are soo true..well if u must know those are the people whom we call the orang yang takde keje lain dalam dunia! haha all they do is go partying just to put up pics on facebook/frendsta or wtevr. U knw i even knw some ppl who b4 goin to these kind of places will dress up nicely and say "i hav to wear this so tht i look nice in facebook..." like hellow!! some ppl actually live for facebook/frendsta okay!
ur just jealous that ur not a photo up'loader!
its what i say "suka-hati" they look good.
they wana share some fun moments.
and yea
did u think of it this way.
mayb they are using the internet to store their pictures as backups!.
so i Disagree with u.
u suck!
eh xmen punya review awsome!
You're a good M1 blogger.
You know what you're writing. And you don't care what others think about what you convey, by putting in your views in the straightest and direct way possible.
About the FB issue, I agree with your say. The most common ones you can see in FB is young wannabe sluts in skimpy dresses with alcohols posing for millions of picture. Then uploading it all over the net, and wait in hunger for some comments to follow.
Majulah Gaya3 untuk Negara!
babygee: HAHAHAHA! Org yg xde keje dlm dunia,mmg camni jek idup diorang,bernafas melalui fb/friendster :S Manusia sebegini kena disebat!
deva: damn.
For backups with the expectations of getting 'YEAH-BAYBYY-it's-time-for-me-to-show-off-to-the-world' kind of comments?
There's still this thing they call external hard drive/pendrive/thumdrive/o-what-so-ever-drive,you know?
Disagree? Rightt on,lets have a face2face debate session the next we meet up,deva!
And I cant wait for Xmen!
Durai: Heyy.Thanks :)
You're right.It's all the wannabe's who always seeks for attention.I wonder why :/
Majulah M1 untuk Bangsa + Negara!
ps: I believe in future their pics might gt stucked in google images.I wonder if their kids would be smart enuff to google their hot mamas and gangsta dadddy :/
u punya frenster aso banyak album kot!
its we shall talk this on face to face terms where i can trow potato's at u!
itu yearly album la pak cik,bukannyer album 'pertunjukkan social life' aku.Btw,friendster aku dah expired.HAHHA,fb lagi syiok.
nak french fries mcd jek.
i so agree. people need to wake up and realised that not everyone neither cares nor wants to know about their partying habits. its different if the pictures actually mean something. Some people are just stupid. =)
princesz: Glad you agreed :)
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