Hmm.Its amazing seeing how the stupidest issue can just bring you down and make you think of all those insecurities n all the ways you're not good enough and all the "my life would be better if I was this way" thoughts. I'm not sure if i'm really not happy with life or if things that just remind me of my unhappiness keep happening because really I do have a lot of good things going for me right now. I don't know what's wrong and at the same time I do, and I have the power to change those things but at the same time I don't,CAUSE YOU SEE,
I was once classified under chickenshit..but now im the kurang ajar punyer pompuan!WUAHAHAHHHA.
TING TONGG..assignments are killing me.So ppl,unless I ajak'ed you out for a lepaking session,dont call me out aight.AND PLEASEE,PLEASE PLEASEE DONT MAKE PLANS WITHOUT ASKING ME.I REALLY WILL GET PISSED IF YOU BUG ME EVENTHO I'VE WARNED YA'AL ABOUT MY ASSIGNMENTS.Busy and..

I'm writing this to kill my time, and if you don't like it, well, come to the realization that this is my blog and not yours.Tee-Hee! :)