The primary reason why I don't really have a best friend is because they're impossible to find and their a nuisance to maintain a so called "bff" relationship. I have a handful of friends that care deeply about me, talk to me, get with me on a amicable level but it never seems to pass through the ground stage.
Refute all you want but its the truth and you can't hide it. You don't care. You don't bother. You don't give two flying cow shits about me. I am purely here for your amusement. After we all go our different paths, we honestly don't keep in touch. I'm always a second. meaning, I am only a replacement, a back up, a fall back if their friend is not present. I always seem to put my best effort to carry on the relationship but the other person doesn't.
Either it's me or them, my relationships are never secured. Sometimes, we drift, make new bonds, forget the old ones, dwell on, move on, eventually, separating ourselves, distancing each other, or just temporarily forgetting who you are. Whether we like it or not, people inevitably change over time and we can't help that or fix it.
What's broken, stays broken sadly.
When i think about it, it actually costs a lot more trouble to maintain a friendship with a certain person. Making plans, spending quality time together, having late night conversations, being comfortable with each other, and committing loyalty to each other. However, when one small incident that turns into a dramatic shit happens, that's when everything starts to crumbles apart and we grow distant with each other more and more everyday. Feelings such as regret, hate, and envy eats our soul up and we feel as if we were betrayed and abandoned.
How do we know how to carefully choose our fellow friends so that they won't become strangers in the future? Then there's that shocking moment when you find out the true colors of someone you thought wrong. That is what what really grinds my gears:Lying behind one's back is much more worst than telling the truth because I'd rather have someone whose straight upfront than someone who is dishonest. More importantly, time and distance are the two main causes that what really tears friendship apart. When neither one contributes, the friendship withers away and once again, we diffuse, creating new bonds with new people.
Other times, that person is too afraid to step up and tie the knots together so there is no progress in improving the relationship. And most of the times, that person already has a best friend to begin with so whats the point of trying to build close ties with that person if you're just a piece of stinking furniture to them? If one does have the interest to increase their friendshipity with someone, they would actually try, not delaying and waiting on each other on who would make the first move. In this dark, cruel, and corrupted world, it is very hard to find a good friend that will stick with you thick and thin to the end.
To this day, this is why I have grown to be very independent person which is, at times very lonely as a matter of fact, but at the same time, it does show that I can face reality myself without depending on others. I can rely on myself and free myself from disappointments in people. Optimistically speaking, I'd say each person who came into my life and walked out would just mean that their part in my story is over and a new character is introduced as we continually flip the pages. Thats how life goes.